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Friendly 24/7 Support

Affordable and highly reliable hosting


At Albero Websites support is available 24/7.

If you have any questions or problems, that aren’t answered on this page, don’t hesitate to call us on 07 5441227 or 021 497 250 or email us at and we will help in any way we can.

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Common Support Tasks


All of our hosting accounts include cPanel control panel access.

Within your control panel you can administer most aspects of your hosting environment, including MySql databases, FTP Logins, Cron jobs etc.

The cPanel interface contains comprehensive documentation within the various features.

Click on ‘control panel login’ at the top of this page. Enter your domain and click ‘go’.

You will need your account username and password, that would have been email to you upon setup of your hosting account.

If you don’t have your login details, contact Albero Websites on 07 544 1227.


All new accounts will receive an email with your main FTP login details.

We advise that you use a secure mode of FTP (FTP-SSL Explicit Auth).
If you have trouble connecting you may need to toggle the ‘Use Passive (PASV)’ setting in your FTP application.
Your website resides in the ‘public_html’ folder.

If you don’t have your login details, or have any problems, contact Albero Websites on 07 544 1227.

Secure Sockets Layer

All hosting accounts come with a Domain Verified SSL certificate.

It is highly recomended that all websites are served over https (eg. https://<your server name>), for security reasons.
Failing to do so will have a large impact on your search engine rankings, and will give a warning in the end user's browser.

To use your own SSL Certificate, as opposed to the supplied Domain Verified one, your web site will need it’s own dedicated IP address. We have these available in limited quatities.

If you require your own SSL certificate, or have any problems, contact Albero Websites on 07 544 1227.


Email can be accessed via POP or IMAP.

Mail settings are as follows :

POP Server:
SSL: on
Port: 995

IMAP Server:
SSL: on
Port: 993 

SMTP Server:
SSL: on
Port: 465

You must Authenticate with the outgoing mail server using the same username and password as the incoming mail server.

Mailboxes have a 1GB size limit, so if using IMAP, ensure that you manage your old emails to prevent the mailbox becoming full.

Mail can also be accessed through a HOTMAIL style website. Click the "Webmail" menu item on this site and then enter your mailbox User ID and Password

Web Site Disk Quota

All hosting accounts have a disk quota.
The size of that quota varies, depending on the hosting package that you have.

You can view your disk usage and also manage files within the Control panel interface.
Click 'Control Panel Login' at the top of this site, enter your domain name and click 'Go'.
On the left of the page you have a quick view of your Disk Space Usage.
You can see a more advanced view of your usage by click 'Disk Usage' under the 'Files' section of the control panel.

You can manage the files on your server, either via FTP or with the 'File Manager' built into your control panel.

Albero Websites are proud to be associated with the following companies